Wednesday, July 30, 2008


SO as I said I was in San Diego for Comic Con 08. I was only there for the Friday activities, but what a great time! I didn't get a chance to really sit in for any of the lectures or Q&A sessions, but I had just as much fun walking around and meeting new people. It is really incredible how many extremely talented illustrators, designers, painters etc etc there are in this world. I'll eventually put up some of the pics from the convention, but until then I thought I'd post some shots from the 2nd leg of the vacation.

THE following images were taken from various locations on and around Alcatraz. Alcatraz has a very weird estetic about it that I've long wanted to see. Maybe its the desperation or the madness of some of the more notorious criminals that had done time there. Whatever it is, Alcatraz is something you really have to check out to get a great feel for it. Putting yourself in the shoes of a criminal only 1.5 miles from one of the most beautiful areas to live, but knowing you might never see it as a free man would drive any person crazy.

OF course going to see the Golden Gate Bridge was second on the list of things one must do in San Fran. While we went on a cold and windy day, it was still a beautiful site. The incredible dedication it would take to design/engineer something of this size and mass is truly incredible. I'm a bit afraid of heights, so I didn't get to close to the rail of the bridge. Needless to say, the wind was so strong that at times of taking photos I would be pushed or brushed a few inches causing blurry shots. The fog rolled in perfectly, adding to the mystic of the Bridge.

IN the next couple of weeks, I'll be updating this with and more photos and even some new artwork! promise. Shout out to my friend Casey Hunt! Good to see you at the Con buddy, hope it happens again soon. xo

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


WHEN I was still cranking out freelance at a rapid rate, I produced this poster for my former client FLEISHMAN HILLARD. Their client (AT&T) had asked FH to come up with a concept for downtown Dallas's biggest New Year's parade at is somewhat a tradition. Having no idea about Houston (I've never visited), I had to do some research to what makes downtown Dallas different then say...downtown Austin. A few buildings stand out in the Dallas skyline, from the Reunion tower to the Comerica building.

THE next big step was to come up with a design that allowed for some creative flow while maintaining AT&T's branding. The logo at the head of the layout was created by another agency, which I had no interaction with. All elements in the layout outside of the logo was created by hand in illustrator. My liberties with the Reunion tower raised a few eyebrows with the city of Dallas, but in the end they decided to party and not be party poopers. Good job Dallas!

I'M off to COMIC CON 08, expect some pics when I get back!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


IT's always great when a few friends of yours decide to dust off the equipment and start making music again. In the summer of 03' I started working with a band that I felt (and I still do) has some of the most creative song writting and musicians in the St. Louis area. Sine Nomine crossed over so many different elements of music and never defined themselves as a "metal", "hardcore", etc etc act. They just created music and let people decide what they wanted to label them. Near the end of 06' the band decided to split ways, and I feel like a giant void was created that never was filled...

UNTIL now! The dudes in SINE NOMINE have once again decided it was the right time to regroup as a 3 piece and start to make some new tunes. On July 25, 2008 if your in St. Louis you can catch their reunion show at club FUBAR (which is a nice new venue opened by For the Last Time Bob of Woe). To mark this special occasion I was asked to make a new tee shirt, which I was very excited to do. Mike's original concept was to try to use a mask or something along those lines.

A few ideas that had been rattling around in my brain was incorporating my fear/hatred for squids and the pure epic quality of Poseidon. After a few sketches the concept of a tentacle engulfing Poseidon's face with only his watchful eye showing that no matter how bleak a situation seems, you can never count out the god of the sea. I felt that there was no chance this reunion would happen, but can not explain how truely excited I am that it's happening. I just wish it was happeneing while I was in town...